Aquascapes Spring Cleanout Service
Service fee secures your spot on the cleanout schedule.CLEANOUT SERVICE FEE – $249.00
Aquascapes Cleanout Service Fee: $249.00 Labor Charge Per Man Hour: $149.00 Upon completion of service, an invoice will be sent to you.SPRING CLEANOUT CHARGES
Drain pond and place fish in an aerated container with original pond water Power wash pond interior and stream/waterfall to remove debris Divide and thin pond plants Clean all filter mats, bioballs, biofall unit, skimmer and pump as needed Replace the IonGen Probe, if necessary Reseal waterfall and make necessary minor adjustments to rocks as needed Maintain lighting system Fill pond and add water conditioner and bacteria Start system and perform a visual check of equipment operation Check outside perimeter of pond for low spots, leaks and problems Re-introduce fish back to pondAquascapes Basic Spring Service Includes
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