GREEN WATER – How do I get rid of green water?
For green water issues, Rapid Clear, a flocculent that is 100%…

How to Prepare Your Pond for the Spring!
How to prepare your pond for the Spring!
Not all water features…

How Does the IonGen™ Work?
™The IonGen™ G2 electronic water clarifier for Ponds, Pondless®…

Rain Water Harvesting with the Aquascape RainXchange System
As a nation, we are focusing on preserving our environment and…

Container Water Gardens
It's a small world - container water gardens are the perfect…

Fish Care and Treatments
Follow these simple preventative measures:

Understanding Lake Management
Not many years ago, the only products used for pond and lake…

Troubleshooting Leaks in Your Pond/Pondless Waterfall
Does your pond actually have a leak?
You may not realize how…