Entries by Aquascaping101

Pondless Waterfall Kit

Assuming you have a basic understanding of what a pondless waterfall is, we will dive right in and explore the components of an Aquascape Pondless Waterfall Kit.

Small Pondless Waterfall

A pondless waterfall is a type of water feature that does not require a pond. Instead, water is pumped from an underground reservoir through a series of rocks and into a catch basin, where it is then recycled back to the reservoir.

Pondless Waterfall Construction

Pondless waterfall construction is the process of creating a waterfall without a pond. This can be done by using a catch basin to collect water and redirect it back up to the top of the waterfall. Pondless waterfalls are a great way to add the beauty of a waterfall to your landscape without all the maintenance that comes with a pond.

Waterfalls: A Guide to Waterfalls

Waterfalls are one of the most popular natural attractions. They are created when water from a stream or river flows over a cliff or steep edge. Waterfalls can vary greatly in size, with some being just a few feet tall and others reaching hundreds of feet in height. Regardless of their size, waterfalls are always impressive to behold.