How many bioballs do I put in my Biofalls Grande? How often do we clean the biofalls and filters and bioballs?

You would need 6 boxes of Bioballs for the Grande. Here’s the recommendation for other sizes: Micro – 1 set, Classic Mini or Signature 2500 – 2 sets, Standard Classic or Signature 6000 – 3 boxes of bioballs. Aquascape bioballs come 100 in a set and come with a mesh bag.

We recommend that the Biological Filter be cleaned out at a spring Clean Out. Every time you clean the mats in the biofalls you have to re-introduce the bacteria to the pond. Even though the mats may have a brown substance on them, this is the good bacteria colony and you don’t want to wash this away. You would have the rish of your pond water going green and sometimes it takes 6 weeks to clear this situation up. Remember, you should be using bacteria on a regular basis throughout the summer months.