I have a pondless Waterfall. The waterfall rock has green slime (algae I assume) on it. How do I get rid of it? I am letting pondless waterfall run through the winter. I also put clokrine one time in it assuming it would help, but it just wound up foaming.

The green slime is string algae. String Algae is more prevalent in the spring and fall and in areas of the country where the winter has been warm. Your choice is to ignore it, use an Algaecide such as Algaeway, manually clean off the algae from the waterfall with an Algaecide like EcoBlast, or in the spring after a clean out, install an IonGen. The IonGen is an electronic system that eradicates the string algae and prevents it from forming in the future. When using algaecides, remember that it will kill the algae, algae goes to bottom of pond and then decomposes. Then the nutrient load will cause the string algae to begin to form again. You have to use the Algaecide on going. Investing in the IonGen is the best savings in product purchase and in your time. We will soon have the new 2nd Generation IonGen available. Don’t use chlorine in your pond. If you install an IonGen, the only product you will need to purchase will be beneficial bacteria.