I have an approx 1400 gal koi pond built about 4 yrs ago with your products and let me say first that I have not had any problems with the equipment! We have thoroughly enjoyed the experience. My question is concerning algae that has settled at the bottom …my water is very clear but the fish “stir” up this on the bottom. It appears to me to be dead algae. I use algeafix. I want to vacuum but have heard that they don’t work very well. Any suggestions ? THANKS !

Glad you like your pond. Have some questions for you:

1. Have you ever cleaned out the pond? Should be done in the early spring.

2. Have you been using any bacteria product?

Now is the time of year to use the Sludge Cleaner which is composed of mostly bacteria. We have tabs that work very well in digesting the sludge.

We do carry a pond vac which works well but if you have gravel on the bottom of the pond which is recommended by Aquascapes and the gravel makes it more difficult to use.

AlgaeFix works at getting rid of string algae but when it works it kills the algae and that algae falls to the bottom of the pond and then this matter has to decompose. And the cycle begins all over again. If you have a large amount of debris on the bottom of your pond then you need to vac it out, use the sludge cleaner tabs, or shovel it out. This means as it decomposes it creates nutrients which feed the plants and whatever is left of these nutrients then feed the algae and the vicious circle begins again. Your pond can become dependent on this chemical.

Break the cycle by removing the debris at the bottom and begin using beneficial bacterias and less of the AlgaeFix.