
Premium Water Garden Construction

Cincinnati, Ohio Based Waterfall Contractors

Waterfall Contractor - That's us! If you're looking to add a waterfall to your home or business, you'll need to hire a professional who specializes in this type of work. But what is a waterfall contractor?
How to Drain a Water Garden for Cleaning

All About Aquatic Plants

Most people are familiar with land plants, but fewer are aware of the wonders of aquatic plants. These fascinating organisms play an important role in freshwater ecosystems, providing food and shelter for fish, amphibians, and invertebrates.
How to Install a Homemade Pond Waterfall Guide

Aquascape Construction

An aquascape is a backyard professional installation of a water-featured landscape, often with rocks, plants, and fish.
Premium Water Garden Construction

Backyard Water Features

A backyard water feature is any type of water feature that is installed in a backyard. Backyard water features can include anything from ponds and fountains to streams and waterfalls. They are a great way to add both beauty and functionality to your backyard.
Meyer Aquascapes

Aquascaping for Beginners

waterfall installation

What Is A Garden Pond?