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217 search results for: urn


Pond Filter Urn – Filtration Replacement Kit – Large

Pond Filter Urn – Filtration Replacement Kit – Large The Aquascape Large Pond Filter Urn Filtration Replacement Kit provides replacement biological and mechanical filer media for the Large Aquascape Pond Filter Urn.  The included Ceramic filtration rings and media net, providing substantial surface area for beneficial bacteria to colonize.  The replacement filtration kit also included […]


Pond Filter Urn – Filtration Replacement Kit – Small

Pond Filter Urn – Filtration Replacement Kit – Small The Aquascape Pond Filter Urn Filtration Replacement Kit provides replacement biological and mechanical filer media for the Aquascape Pond Filter Urn.  The included Ceramic filtration rings and media net, providing substantial surface area for beneficial bacteria to colonize.  The replacement filtration kit also included a filter […]


How to Drain a Water Garden for Cleaning

Draining and cleaning your water garden annually is essential for maintaining its aesthetics and the health of its aquatic life. This guide provides a detailed, step-by-step process equipped with tips to efficiently manage the task.


Troubleshooting Common Water Garden Problems: Algae, Leaks, and More

This guide addresses common water garden issues such as algae overgrowth, water quality problems, leaks, invasive plants, and fish health. It offers practical solutions like adjusting filtration, introducing natural predators, and regular pond maintenance to maintain a thriving aquatic ecosystem.