Best Pond Pump Information 2021

Pumps keep the water in your pond healthy. They help evenly spread nutrients in the water to fish, plants and other aquatic life. Running water prevents stagnation and cuts down on algae and mosquitoes. Keeping the water moving ensures that oxygen levels are distributed throughout the pond. Pumps also provide power for a pond’s water features, like waterfalls and fountains.

This guide will help you learn about the best pond pumps for your garden.


The best water pumps for your pond and its fountain or waterfall come in variety of types and styles. They include submersible, external, magnetic drive and direct drive. Each of these water garden pumps offers its own advantages.

Submersible Pumps: These pumps are designed to work while wholly submerged in water. Typically, they are installed in the deepest part of the pond. Submersible pumps can be placed either directly into your pond or in a skimmer box or pond vault.

  • Easy to install.
  • Work well in environments that capitalize on a natural setting.
  • No need to camouflage the pump.
  • Run very quietly so there’s no distracting noise in your garden.
  • Submersible pumps can be used to drain your pond, if needed.
  • Range in pumping size from 50 to 5,000 gallons per hour.
  • Can generate higher energy costs than other pump types.
  • For smaller ponds, submersible pumps are generally more economical.

Tip: Some submersible pumps use oil to operate. If the pump seal breaks and leaks harmful oil coolant into the water, fish can be hurt or killed. If you have fish or other aquatic life in your pond, you’ll want to look for a submersible model that does not use oil.

External Pumps: External pumps can move a high volume of water, yet usually have lower energy costs than submersible pumps. They are not as quiet as submersible pumps. They should be placed in a dry location near your pond. External pumps are a lot more complicated to install. However, they are generally more reliable.

  • Available as self-priming pumps able to draw their own water.
  • Can be loud, disturbing the quiet of your garden.
  • Work well for larger ponds that are 1,000 gallons or more.
  • Offer long-lasting performance and easy repair.
  • Require less routine maintenance than submersible pumps.

Tip: Pumps that are not self-priming can burn out a motor if the power shuts off momentarily and then comes back on. Protect against this by installing a check valve.

Magnetic Drive: In a magnetic-drive pump, an electrical charge creates a magnetic field that causes the magnet on the impeller to rotate and pump water. Since they have no seals to wear out, they require little maintenance. Occasionally, you will need to clean the impeller and its chamber for the most efficient operation.

  • Completely sealed. Magnetic-drive pumps do not require lubrication.
  • Because they don’t contain oil, magnetic-drive pumps are safer for ponds with fish, since oil leaks don’t occur.
  • Don’t generate high head heights. Magnetic-drive pumps are unable to lift pond water vertically, which you might need to supply water to a fountain. They are not the best water pumps for fountains.
  • Work best in cleaner environments with little or no debris.
  • Highly efficient and cost-effective.

Direct Drive: Direct-drive pumps have an enclosed motor that is powered by electricity, which turns the impeller shaft.

  • Achieve significant head height, so they are able to move water vertically. They are among the best water pumps for fountains and waterfalls.
  • Typically more expensive to operate.
  • Push water rather than pulling it.
  • Not easily repaired.

Tip: Some models seal the motor in an oil-filled shell with seals around the cord and impeller shaft. These are risky to use if you have a pond stocked with fish. There is an ever-present danger of water contamination if a leak occurs. Many newer pumps, however, feature alternative lubrication that is safe for fish. Look for oil-free models if you have fish or other aquatic life in your pond.

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Pond Pump Calculations

Figuring out the correct pump size depends upon the how big your pond is. Other factors include whether or not the pump is being used for filtration, re-circulation or water features. Another factor is the number of fish and plants your pond contains. Larger fish populations have greater air requirements.

A good rule of thumb is that pumps should be able to pump out about half the pond volume every hour. For example, a pump that moves 500 gallons per hour would be appropriate for a 1,000 gallon pond.

You don’t have to refer to a fountain pump size chart to figure out the best water pumps for your garden. With a few measurements and calculations, you can determine the size pump you’ll need.

Flow rate for filtration

  • Filtration flow rate in gallons per hour (gph) = 0.5 x pond volume (gallons)

Flow rate for fountains

  • For every inch of stream width at the top of the fountain, you need 100 gph at the height you’re pumping

Flow rate for waterfalls

  • Light flow = 50 gph x waterfall width (in.)
  • Average flow = 100 gph x waterfall width (in.)
  • Strong flow = 200 gph x waterfalls width (in.)

Pond volume

  • Pond volume (gallons) = 7.5 x average width (ft.) x average length (ft.) x average depth (ft.)

Pond Pump Features

In-line, utility, solids and axial pumps are just a few of the many varieties of water garden pumps that are available.

  • In-line Pumps: These pumps draw water through an inlet that connects to a hose so you can pull water from a remote location. All external pumps are in-line pumps.
  • Utility Pumps: Utility pumps draw water through openings that screen out debris. When placing one into a pond, use a pump sock or other enclosure to reduce the amount of cleaning needed. If you use a pump sock, be aware that sock-like screening can cause a dry pump situation.
  • Solids Pumps: These pumps draw water through a large opening and pump small debris through without clogging. For this reason, they can be placed into a pond without prefilters. This pump type is not safe for ponds with fish, frogs or other aquatic animals, however.
  • Axial Pumps: These special utility pumps are designed for high-flow, low-pressure pond environments. Because they are big, they require piping that is large in diameter.
  • Solar Pumps: Solar-powered pumps perform well in climates with lots of sunshine. They can cost less to operate since they don’t require an outdoor electrical outlet. Solar pumps also work well if your fountain is located far from the power supply. However, flow rate is minimal compared to typical voltage.
  • Heavy-Duty Pumps: Heavy-duty pumps are typically made of stainless steel and are more costly. However, they offer greater energy efficiency and last longer.

You’ll need to consider several factors when deciding between the best water pumps for your garden pond. A pump should be able to handle the size of your pond and support your water features. It also needs to be compatible with any fish or plants you may have.

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Koi Pond Setup

Pond Setup for Koi

Koi are the more sophisticated version of their wild versions which are common carp. Carp are traditionally native to Europe and Asia.
The habitat of carp are lakes, streams and ponds with mud near the bottom and minimal water flow. They can be found in temperate and tropical areas and they like water temperatures over 70 degrees F.
Carp are most active in the dim lit hours near dusk and dawn but they will forage for food at all times of day.
Achieving these living conditions for your new Koi is not a hard task.

beneficial bacteria ponds

Koi Pond Setup
Koi prefer temperatures between 74 to 86 degress F year-round. For areas where it is colder, a heater system will keep them from freezing and protect your valuable fish.
A small stream or waterfall is fine for your Koi but they do not require an water flow to be happy.
For the pH of your pond water, it should be kept between 6 and 9. Crushed limestone can be used to help maintain the pH levels in your garden pond.
For best results, a Koi pond with concrete and rubber lining are best. For the bottom of the pond, a substrate that mimics a mud consistency will have your Koi feeling right at home.

Care for Koi

A beautiful outdoor water garden will give the best result for a pond setup. The plants should be non-invasive so they don’t damage the natural ecosystem for your new Koi friends.
The best plants for your water garden will included:
* pickerels
* floating pondweed
* water lilies
* cattails
* water hyacinth
* duckweed and more
Willows and other shade trailing trees around your water garden pond are recommended by other garden pond owners. These will help to provide extra shade and cover for your fish.

water garden installation and construction

How big should your Koi pond be?
250 gallons of water is the minimum for keeping a Koi in a pond. A school of Koi may require over 1000 gallons of water.
Ten gallons of water is needed for every inch of fully grown Koi as a rule of thumb. This same rule can be applied to other fish as well. Because Koi can reach 3 feet in length, this means that 250 gallons is the absolute minimum for one adult.

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Care for Koi

Types of Koi

Types of Koi

Koi fish can reach up t three feet in length which makes them one of the largest fish that people commonly keep in their garden ponds.
Usually they have two barbells on either side of their jaw and have a round snout that they use for taking in prey.
The female Koi are larger and have a rounder body shape than males. Their fins are short and rounded with lobed fins. Certain varieties can be bred to have long trailing fins.
Koi are available in a variety of colors. Most white or silver with colorful markings and spots.
These markings can be red, gold, black, deep blue or even orange. Their exact color and marks depend on the type of Koi.

beneficial bacteria ponds

Butterfly Koi
Butterfly Koi can also be known as Drago Koi. They have long pectoral and caudial fins. Keepers of Koi seek them out as they are highly prized and valuable.
These Koi can have the same color markings are other Koi and can only be set apart by the length of their fins.
Japanese Koi
These are the most common Koi and recognizable as the variety that you will see in most garden ponds and water gardens.
They are two varieties of Japanese Koi. The Kohaku are white with orange and red markings and are more standard. The second type is the Tancho and look the same as Kohaku with the exception of a single red dot on the top of their head.

Care for Koi

Dragon Fish Koi
Not to be confused with the Butterfly Koi variety, the Dragon Koi Fish or Kumonryu is a black and white fish with markings that may change during different seasons.
Black and White Koi
There are two varieties of this breed. The Shor Utsui that have white with black spots and markings. You may see black on one side of the head and white on the other in some of this type.
The other is the Matsuba which is black and white too but it may have black markings over a gold or red body.

water garden installation and construction

Gold Koi
This type of Koi is also called an Ogon and is a prized one color. It will be entirely silver, gold or orange. Koi that have gold marks over a white body are called Ki. Kinrin fish sparkle in the water like gold coins due to their beautiful scales.
Next time we will talk about Koi habitats and the condition of their Ponds. If you would like to know more, ask one of our experts.

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Introduction to Koi

Introduction to Koi

Let’s talk about Koi. What are they? In simple terms, Koi are fish. Specifically, they are an ornamental variation of a carp that are in the family Cyprinidae. In fact, the word Koi is the word for carp in Japanese.
Koi become popular in the 19th century when farmers in Japan started to use them in their rice gardens. They are now more common place in the world and have become a lucrative industry if you have the inclination to breed and grow them. That is not necessary to enjoy the simplicity of these wonderful fish as they are quite relaxing and mesmerizing to keep as pets.

beneficial bacteria ponds

Commonly in the wild, carp only live for twenty years but captive carp or Koi can be kept in a confined setting like a garden pond for up to fifty years with proper care and maintenance. Like any animal, they are a long-term commitment and certainly will last longer than most other pets.
Where can you get Koi fish? Common carp varieties can be found in many garden ponds and they can be purchased from reputable pond and aquarium dealers. The cost for each one ranges in price from fifty to eighty dollars.

Care for Koi

What are Koi like? These lovely fish are very peaceful and will interact with others in their school and prefer to leave other species of fish alone. Typically, a school of fish will have between five and fifteen individual fish. When in a school, they will swim in a coordinated fashion that is beautiful. These are active fish and prefer to free-swim and show off their vibrant colors.
When you first purchase Koi, they will explore every part of their new environment. Expect to see them swim along the top or middle and look for natural food along the bottom of the pond.
Koi forage for food by taking a large inhale of food and then will filter out any debris that got into their mouth. For this reason, they are not recommended for freshwater ecosystems as they can disturb the natural setting of an aquarium. Koi will burrow and dig into sediment and uproot plants to eat on the seeds.

water garden installation and construction

Will I have enough room for Koi? Koi fish are schooling fish and as such, you will want to have a few of them so they don’t get lonely. They can grow up to three feet in length. This is an important fact when calculating how big to make your garden pond if you eventually want to have Koi in your pond. The general rule of thumb is to have ten gallons of water for every inch of fish. This means you will want to have around 250 gallons of water for a single Koi fish at minimum.
If you are considering setting up a Koi pond, our professionals can help you with planning and design. Next time we will discuss the multiple varieties of Koi and setup for their pond.

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