Green Water Solution

You’re having problems with water clarity, and it’s green. You want clean clear water, and the first thing that should be done is using Rapid Clear (standard), or Aquascapes Rapid Clear Pro. This is a flocculent, and it’s completely safe for wildlife, plants, and even your fish. Within just a few hours, Rapid Clear will cause the particles in the water to create larger masses that can easily be filtered out by your pump. Replace your filters if necessary as well.

What is AquascapePRO Rapid Clear?

AquascapePRO® Rapid Clear quickly clears cloudy pond water by clumping suspended debris. This will quickly help to provide clear water conditions and allow particulate to be captured and removed from the pond. Rapid Clear works within 24-hours. Each bottle of AquascapePRO® Rapid Clear is 25% more concentrated than the consumer equivalent, making it the ideal choice for discriminating pond professionals.

Green Water Treatment Option #2

Fortunately many different products exist solely to clarify the green water problem in your water garden. Two products that our professional waterscapers recommend are the EcoBlast and the SAB. We also carry SAB-PRO, which is much more concentrated. Both will effectively clean ponds and streams as well. These two combined are the ultimate way to have pristine water. Both of the SAB and Beneficial Bacteria for Ponds/Dry products consume excess nutrients in your water garden, then break down decayed organics, and help reduce odor and sludge problems that sometimes arise in waterscapes. The SAB also has a strong phosphate binder that locks up nutrients that cause problems. To keep your water garden optimally clear use both the SAB and EcoBlast once a week!

There are several other effective products that you can use to help clarify the water.  A combination of our Beneficial Bacteria, EcoBlast and SAB is the ultimate way to have perfectly balanced, clear water. The Beneficial Bacteria for Ponds/Dry and SAB both help consume excess nutrients in the water, break down decaying organics and reduce sludge and odor issues.  SAB also includes a powerful phosphate binder that locks up this nuisance nutrient.  These two products can be used as often as once a week.

Getting Rid of Green Water Easily #3

Another option for taking care of green water is by using UV Filters. There are two types of UV filters for your waterscape, and we offer both! The Aquascape UltraKlean Pressure Filter with UV or the Aquascape UltraKlear UV Clarifier are both great options.

First off, the new Aquascape UltraKlean pressure filter is put beside your pond (beside, not inside). Next, your Aquascape pump will push the waterscape water through the UltraKclean, which exposes the pond water through the biological filtration system, which is a a high-output UV bulb, and finally back into the pond. When we use this method of removing green water in the pond, the UltraKlean will let you have pristine water and a low-maintenance waterscape you’ve always wanted!

What is AquascapePRO Rapid Clear?

AquascapePRO® Rapid Clear quickly clears cloudy pond water by clumping suspended debris. This will quickly help to provide clear water conditions and allow particulate to be captured and removed from the pond. Rapid Clear works within 24-hours. Each bottle of AquascapePRO® Rapid Clear is 25% more concentrated than the consumer equivalent, making it the ideal choice for discriminating pond professionals.

If All Else Fails, Find the Root of the Problem

If green water has suddenly become an issue, there are many factors that can these murky water issues. Shade or sunlight changes on the water, surrounding plant life (even mulch!), or temperature changes can cause green water rapidly too.

Can’t get rid of the green water? Give us a call and we’ll help you figure it out, or come fix it for you!

513-941-8500 | 877-780-1174