How to Shock a Pond Quick How-To Guide

If fish are dying in your pond or if you see lots of algae, it may be time to shock the pond to clean it up. Algae needs oxygen to grow, just as fish and aquatic vegetation do. However, too much algae can rob fish and plants of the oxygen they need. Shocking your pond and getting rid of the harmful algae can restore the clean, clear look to you pond. Because desirable plants and animals live in ponds, owners look for natural enzymes and organic compounds to clear the water. Chlorine should only be used as a last resort.

Remove all dead or decaying plant and animal life from the pond. Algae feeds on the decay process.

Place the correct amount of algaecide in your pond according to manufacturer’s directions. For example, if you have a 120-gallon pond, you would need to use 2 teaspoons of general Algaecide. Each algaecide is different, so read the directions closely.

Let the pond pump aerate and spread the algaecide. If algae is still present after a week, shock the pond again.

Pond Management – Spring Start Up of Your Aerators


If you turned your aerator off and stored it for the winter they are a few quick steps you can take to have your aeration system prepped and installed for the spring. If your winter has been anything like ours, spring already seems upon us.

Here’s 4 ways to prep and install your aeration system for spring.

1.)  Change the air filter: The air filter is vital for providing clean air through the compressor. With a clogged air filter, performance diminishes and over time can cause irreversible damage to the compressor. We recommend changing your air filter every 3-6 months depending on the environment.

2.)  Check for Air: Before installing the unit and connecting airlines it is best to do a quick check for air. Turn the unit on and ensure air is coming out of the flex hose(s). If you have a multiple diffuser plate system, make sure that the valves are not completely shut off. In the event where air is not coming from the flex hoses, you may need a maintenance kit to replace the diaphragm.  Call 877 780-1174 for more information and pricing on replacement parts.  Some newer diffusers are self cleaning.

3.)  Reinstall the unit: To reinstall the unit, you’ll want to re-position the cabinet so it is sitting level, reconnect the airlines and plug it in. Adjust the airflow as needed, which you’ll need to do anyway if you have multiple diffuse plates. Adjust the flow so each air plate receives equal amounts of airflow and keep in mind that longer runs and deeper plates will require more airflow to operate than shallow plates and shorter lines. It usually takes a few minutes between adjustments to see the effect at the diffuser plant, so be patient!

4.)  Proper start up: Introduce your aeration system slowly in the beginning, and gradually increase its running time each day. Start by running it for an hour the first day, two hours the second day, doubling the amount of time each day until you can successfully run it for 24 hours. If you run the system immediately for 24 hours upon returning it to the pond, you could cause the warm and cold layers of water to mix too quickly which may harm fish.

These quick steps will ensure your aeration system is back up and running to keep your pond clean, clear and healthy for years to come.

Planning: Pond Calculations

Here’s the rule of thumb for measurement of your pond.

SQUARE FEET on the surface area.

  • Rectangle

length x width = Square feet of pond

  • Circular

3.14 (1/2 diameter x 1/2 diameter) = square feet of surface


  • Rectangle

average length x average width x average depth = volume in cubic feet

  • Circular

3.14 (1/2 diameter x 1/2 diameter x depth = volume in cubic feet

To calculate GALLONS in your pond

cubic feet x 7.48 = capacity in gallons


  • Quantity of BOULDERS in a pond (tons) = length (ft) x width (ft) divided by 65
  • Quantity of BOULDERS using 1.2.1 ratio. Length x Width divided by 40
  • Quantity of 1/4 inch to 3 inch GRAVEL (tons) = tons of boulders x .45

Around the FACE of A SIGNATURE 6000 BIOFALLS you will need approximate 3/4 TO 1 1/4 tons of boulders.

Note: If you are building a large water feature you will need to increase the tonage of rock as the stone you will use will be larger and carry more weight.


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