How to Treat and Control Pond Algae

There are various ways to treat and control pond algae. The most important step is to identify the type of algae present in your pond, as this will dictate the appropriate course of action.

If your pond is plagued by green algae, you can try using an algaecide. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully, and avoid getting the chemical near any plants or fish in the pond.

Another way to get rid of green algae is by introducing a competing organism, such as mosquito fish or tadpoles. These creatures will eat the algae and help keep it under control.

If your pond is infested with blue-green algae, you will need to take more drastic measures. You may need to drain the pond completely so you can disinfect it. To do this, simply dig a hole in the ground large enough for the water to drain away.

Once the pond is empty, you can start scrubbing the sides and bottom with a brush to remove any algae growth. Be sure to wear gloves and goggles to protect yourself from the algae toxins.

Replace the water in the pond and add some fish to help keep the algae under control.

If you are unable to drain your pond or there is no way to treat it using chemicals, you may have no choice but to cover the surface with black nylon netting until next season when algae growth will be less severe. To keep your pond as healthy as possible, ensure that plants and fish are given the appropriate levels of food and care.

Algae can be a serious problem in any body of water, so it is important to pay attention to its development and take action fast if problems arise. The consequences of ignoring algae can be fatal for both plants and animals, so always act carefully and responsibly once you have identified algal overgrowth.

A very common problem with many people’s ponds is algae blooms which can quickly cover up ponds

Pond owners often find that their ponds are covered in string algae. This type of algae gives off strands that float on top of the water and can prove difficult if not impossible to remove manually. Fortunately, there are certain fish that feed on floating algae strands known as “goby minnows.” If you introduce these creatures into your pond many of them will reproduce and keep the algae population under control.

No matter what type of algae is present in your pond, be sure to take action as soon as possible. Left unchecked, algae can quickly take over and make your pond unusable. By following the tips above, you can effectively treat and control this pesky problem.

There are other options – give us a call and we can direct you to the appropriate product to treat your water as soon as possible!

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